Tuesday, September 11, 2012

modern heroes

                         All of us have a person who you treated us your HERO and for me I consider my parents us my hero. You describe them all the good words you know. They keep you safe, loved, cared and protected all the times.                      
                         No one can replace the hard workings of our parents just only to make us feel comfortable. They will do anything just to give us our needs even if they are already tired. I consider my parents us my heroes. They save me from harm and they keep me safe all the time. They let me experience all the good things that a student, a child and a person should have. How lucky I am because I do have a good parent that can understand me all the time. They make my way straight whenever I lost the right path. They scolded me when I forget my limitations but I know that they are doing all this things just to make me a better person in the future.
                        Nothing can change the sacrifices of my parents. They are always here in my side to guide, protect and love me. I will always love my parents no matter what happen. I love my parents and no one can replace them.

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